“Relationships with anyone are at their best when you are at your best.” Maria Dorfner

Relationships are the laboratories that cultivate our fullest expression within the Universe. They assist us in developing our capacity to communicate effectively whilst navigating the varying scenarios of life.

With the passing of Yom Kippur, some have already entered a New Year, while others will do so in three months.  We should welcome celebrations of new beginnings with hopeful prospects of success and a way to Move Differently.

As we continue our exploration of examining and re-examining the Tools in our “Tool Box” let’s focus on repurposing relationships from our Box that we might have taken for granted, overlooked, and or have some how forgotten.

Consider the following three questions:

1) How can the relationship add value to what I have decided to purpose for my life?

2) What measures will I take to initiate dialogue and engage in a conversation regarding

what I have decided to purpose for my life?

3) What will I exchange in the process upon receiving this wealth of information that

will move me forward and into my destiny?

Success should not be left up to chance, but it is a matter of choice. Watch the YouTube video on “Relationships As A Resource”

Dr. Valerie Small

Making Things Happen.

Follow me on Twitter @Vsmall120 and Instagram @dr.valeriesmall, like my Facebook page Dr. Valerie Small, subscribe to myYouTube channel, Dr. Valerie Small.


“Relationships As A Resource”

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