Everyone has an inner song to which they listen.  Did you know that your song is contributing to your Rhythm and Routine?  This rhythm, coupled with the lyrics, is the undercurrent that directs your decisions and life changing movements.  For example, are you frequently singing the tune of lack, or musing on the melody of life’s perceived limitations? This Rhythm creates your Routine, making this sort of R&R (Rhythm & Routine) the corner stone of your existence. It becomes the language that you use to communicate with your – “self”.

If you are not satisfied with the outcomes of your decisions it is necessary to identify the song to which you are constantly singing and dancing. It also requires that we make a conscious decision to shift gears.

Sing a New Song today.

Remember, for the remaining months of the year we have committed to “Moving Differently” because “Successful People Move Differently.”

Dr. Valerie Small

Making Things Happen

Follow me on Twitter @Vsmall120 and Instagram @dr.valeriesmall, like my Facebook page Dr. Valerie Small, subscribe to myYouTube channel, Dr. Valerie Small           #newbeginnings#success#healthyrelationships#makingthingshappen

“Your Rhythm Is Your Routine”

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