Week of July 16, 2017 – Repurposing Relationships

Relationship:  The condition or fact of being related; connection or association. A particular type of connection between people related to or having dealings with each other.

Based on this definition there are various types of relationships and variant degree levels in which interaction exists. There are friendships, kinshop, fellowship, worship, township, but every one is in a “ship.”

This week let us reevaluate and search our hearts to see if the relation-“ships” we have established are healthy and enriching for all involved.  What may work for one, may be detrimental for another.

Your assignment over the next 48 hours is as follows:

1)  Write down how each relationship you are in adds value to you and the other person involved.

2)  When was the last time you celebrated and demonstrated an Attitude of GRATITUDE in that relationship?

3)  If you had to relinquish the relationship, would there be a void that you would feel?

Once you have completed the above, meditate on the responses and see if there is any immediate action you should take in regards to strengthening the relationship.

Let us avoid being ship-“WRECKED”, and/or wrecking someone else’s ship.

Like my Facebook page at Dr. Valerie Small, follow me on Twitter @Vsmall120 and Instagram @dr.valeriesmall.

Dr. Valerie Small,

Making Things Happen.

“What Ship Are You On?”

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