“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”       – Barack Obama

September can be perceived as a month layered in symbolism, as we steadily transition from summer to autumn.

For the month of September lets take the initiative and Move Differently to accomplish the desires and goals that we committed to at the close of 2016, transitioning into 2017.  Are you falling short in an area that you pledged you would start to change?  If so, I am challenging you to open your Tool Box within the remaining months and go deep to see which tools you can utilize to move you forward in reaching your targeted goal.

The “Tool Box” consists of your abilities, gifts, and talents that you were born with and through the years have honed and used to navigate through your journey of life.  However, there is a possibility that some of the Tools need to be dusted off, polished, set aside in some instances, and sharpened to assist in the next phase of your journey.

Join me over the next few weeks as we examine and re-examine our Tools, and a conscious decision to shift gears to Move Differently towards success.   Remember, “Successful People Move Differently.”

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“Move Differently”

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