Wednesday, July 12, 2017 –

When you look at the word gratitude the word attitude is also present.  There are various degrees in relationships that people occupy; regardless of the space being occupied, if there is a positive exchange between the two, gratitude should be expressed in some form, e.g., a thank you card – – not empty– time shared in a special way, which includes a nice dinner, movie, show, or the person’s favorite something, in gift form, etc.

There are numerous ways of expressing gratitude, but unexpressed and unacknowledged appreciation of the extended kindness/generosity that has enhanced your life is an offense.  The parable of the 10 lepers is an excellent example proving that not everyone you believe to be with you is appreciative of all that you do for them. Ten lepers saw Jesus from afar and cried out for Him to have Mercy on them for healing.  All ten– not five or six– but all participated in the cry.  He granted all ten their healing, but only one “turned back” and expressed gratitude.  Although people may follow you, it does not guarantee they are with you.  Some people are mere “takers”; they are “self-ish”, and with you to see what they can gain, or how their agenda can be furthered.

Who have you not “turned back” to celebrate?  While you may reassure yourself that you’ll express due gratitude “when I [you] get more money”, or “time”, etc., you may not ever acquire the anticipated wealth or time.  So, what do you have in your hand now that you can use to extend gratitude today?

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Dr. Valerie Small

Making Things Happen.


“Attitude” without “Gratitude”

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