Saturday, June 24, 2017

A wise spiritual man once told me, "Valerie, if the Universe brings someone into your thoughts consciously or unconsciously it is because you need to bless them." I considered this and understand the truth in this. Every time an Angel, Spirit and the Universe brought someone to my attention, and I acted on the inclination to contact them, the individual(s) affirmed the timeliness of my contact by stating, "You are right on time." I respond, "No, it is Spirit looking out for your best interest". How many of us are not acting on the conscious and unconscious thought that Angels, Spirit, and the Universe are bringing to our attention regarding a person(s)? The person may be in need of a word of encouragement, a financial blessing, help with moving an item, etc. You will be surprised. If everyone were to act accordingly when perceiving these callings, we would have a more balanced emotional ecosystem. Who have you thought of today, this week, this month and failed to show up accordingly? Many are walking in lack because people fail to harken to their assignments. Show up today, this week, and the remainder of this month for your assignment. Dr. Valerie Small, Making Things Happen.

Fulfilling Your Assignment

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